
                    B. Boyin / B. Girling, also known as “Breaking” , is an incredible dance with a rich South Bronx history. It is a dance directly inspired by intense break parts within songs that have percussive drum and instrumental sections. The dances movements are in response to these breaks and involve rhythm, style , character and body control.

                    Bboying is a combination of dance gymnastics and combat.The catch is in this type of dance combat melange people dont touch each other.When two bboys hit the floor its called a BATTLE the person who does the most physically difficult moves or  the most innovative and most hits the beat in the song is ultimately declared the winner.There have been numerous competition like the annual RED BULL BC ONE an certain others which have popularised bboying.
                    Bboying has  Four basic elements that  form the foundation of breaking. The first is Toprock, a term referring to the upright dancing and shuffles. The second element is Downrock which refers to footwork dancing performed on the floor. The third element is the Freeze, the poses that breakers throw into their dance sets to add punctuation to certain beats and end their routines. The fourth element is the Power Moves. These are the most impressive acrobatic moves normally made up of circular motions where the dancer will spin on the floor or in the air.